Your contribution in the form of an article, story poem or a narration of real life experience is of immense value to our students, the target audience, and elite readers of this Quarterly monthly e-Bulletin Gyan-Vigyan Sarita: शिक्षा  and thus create a visibility of the concerns of this initiative. It gives target students a feel that you care for them, and they are anxiously awaiting to get benefitted by your contributions. We request you to please feel free to send your creation, by 10th of each month to enable us to incorporate your contribution in next bulletin,

We will be pleased to have your association in taking forward path our plans as under-

Formatting Guidelines: (a) Paper Size A4, (b) Fonts:  Times Roman (English), Nirmala UI (Hindi), (c) Font Size Title/Author Name/Text: 14pt/12pt/10 pt (d) Margins: top/bottom/left/right – 1”/1”/0.4”/0.4”, (e) Photoprofile of author – In 4-5 lines with mail ID and Photo. We will be pleased to provide softcopy of template of an article, in MS Word to the author on advise.

We believe that this e-Bulletins shall make it possible for our esteemed contributors to make its contents rich in value, diversity and based on their ground level work and/or experiences.


We have learnt that LIFE is neither fast nor sudden leaps;

It grows gradually and sreadily through pits and rises.

We have learnt on every fall; more was needed from us;

Irrespective of how others were.

We have learnt that when tide is against, swim hardest to keep moving ahead;

When in favour swim fastest to create a reserve in case of contingencies.

We have also learnt that reasons are in abundance to justify losses,

 But there is only ONE reason to do good beyond self.

LIFE is MUST for sustainable coexistence.


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