
Dr Sangeeta Pahuja 

Dash means ten, Mool means root.  Dashmool is the combination of ten roots, which is used in preparation of Ayurvedic formulations for treatment of many ailments especially for Vata Roga.Five roots are of the trees called:

Ø  Vrihatpanchmool   (वृहत् पंचमूल )

Ø  Bilva (Aegle marmelos)

Ø  Agnimanth (clerodendrum phlomidis)

Ø  Shyonak  (Oroxylum indicum)

Ø  Gambhari   (Gmelina arborea)

Ø  Patole  (Stereospermumsuaveolens)

Other five are roots of shrubs called as:

Ø  Laghu panchmool (लघु पंचमूल)

Ø  Shalparni (Desmodium gangeticum)

Ø  Prishnparni  (Uraria picta)

Ø  Brihati  (Solanum indicum)

Ø  Kantkari  (Solanum xanthocarpum)

Ø  Gokhshuru  (Tribulus Terrestris)

These ten roots has various benefits but as a whole Dashmool balances Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) But specially used for vata vyadhi. It is Madhur(sweet) and Kashay Rasc (astringent) pradhan, Ushn virya (hot potency)and  Katu vipakc (pungent metabolic taste)

Dashmoola also has anti-inflammatory, Anti-pyretic, anti-airthritic, analgesic, antispasmodic, adaptogenic, anti-oxidant and anti-paralytic properties. It is also neuro-protective and a very good uterine tonic.

Due to above properties is indicated for the following conditions:



Facial paralysis

Rheumatoid arthritis






Muscular spasm









Chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue


In Ayurveda it is called as:

Balya  (increase strength)

Pachana (digestive)

Rasayni  (rejuvenator)

Aamnashak  (remove toxins)

Rochana  (stimulate appetite)

Anulomna  (vatashamak)

Shwashara (treat asthma)

Hikkangigrahana (control hiccup)

Shothhara (anti-inflammatory)

Deepana (increase appetite)

Kanthya (improve voice)

Jwarhara( anti-pyretic )

Kaphvathara (balance kaphvata)



Dashmool can be used in the form of Dashmool powder (churna), Dashmool Decoction. It is recommended that Dashmool churna (3-5gm for adults) should only be consumed after meals with warm water.

Dashmool Decoction (30-60ml for adults) can be taken before meals with lukewarm water. To make the Decoction, boil 10-15gm powder in one glass of water and reduce it to half.

Filter it and drink twice a day. Dashmool decoction is very beneficial post-delivery for women and can be consumed thrice a day.

It is available by the names of

Ø  Dashmoolarisht

Ø  Dashmoola kalp

Ø  Dadhmoola kwath

Ø  Dashmoola ghrit

Ø  Dashmoola oil etc.

Always consult your doctor for better therapeutic results.

Follow Ayurveda and stay healthy.



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