Mathematics Made Easy: Doubling Any Number

H.D. Motiramani

Doubling any number means multiplying it by 2. We will also get the same result if we add the same number to it. For example double of 42 is 42×2=84 or 42+42=84. Let us see the examples of Doubling Sums below in a tabular form.


Double of the number


36 + 36

= 35+35+1+1 = 70+2

Or 35×2+1×2 = 70+2


Doubling any number ending with 5 or 0 is easy.



= 55+ 55 + 2 + 2

= 110+4 = 114



626 + 626= 600+20+6 and the double of this :

= 1200 + 40 + 12

= 1252

626=600+20+6. Therefore double of this is 1200+40+12=1252



4278 + 4278

= (4200 + 4200) + (70+70) + (8+8)

= 8400 +140 + 16 = 8556



For Larger numbers we can achieve the result by Break & double

79 ║ 48 ║ 5 6  =  158║9 6║112 = 158║97║12

Answer : 1589752

794856 was broken into 3 parts 79,48 and 56.

It is to be noted that the double of two digits in any segment other than the leftmost segment has to be in two digits only and if the double happens to come in 3 digits Like 112 in right most segment the unit digit is to be carried over to its left and added there. (Likewise if there was broken a number in a single digit segment and the result of doubling comes in two digits, its result will be kept in single digit in that part of the break and the left most digit  will be carried over to its left segment.)



Another example of break and double

58553 = 58║55║3      = 116║110║6    = 117║10║6

= 117106

110 in middle segment has to be in two digits only. Therefore only 10 kept there and 1 carried over to its left and added there.


Breaking any long number in all single digit segments

79865462         =    7 ║ 9 ║ 8  6  ║ 5  ║4║  6 ║2

*Double of this = 14║18║16 ║12 ║10 ║8 ║12║4

Answer               = 15  9  7║  3 ║  0 ║9 ║ 2 ║4

Answer =159730924

*All the numbers in all segments except left most have to be in single digit.

Therefore moving from right to left, leave the unit digit in that segment and carry the other digit to its leftsegment.



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