Role of Society and Lead Persons in Upbringing the Children
Sudhakar Chigurupati
Education and Society are inseparable. They are intertwined with each other. There is a strong relationship between education and Society. What happens when society affects the educational system? and What happens in the educational system affects the society? Through education, a society assumes its continuity by socializing the young children. In every society there is always an educational system. Education system and society are related internally and externally so that education system reflects society's moral, spiritual and intellectual values. Each society tries to evolve education system and policy that would meet the needs, beliefs, attitudes and aspirations of their people. Education is a tool with the help of which cultural transmission can be done from one generation to another generation. Schools are supposed to instill in the pupils the skills which will afford them the opportunity of taking their rightful positions in the society. But, this function cannot be accomplished without the assistance of home, because both home and school perform complimentary functions in the moral and intellectual development of the child. A child cannot be trained in isolation. There must be interaction between the student, and physical and social environment for the child to be educated. Through education, the society is able to achieve basic social conformity and ensure that its traditional values, beliefs, attitudes and aspirations are maintained and preserved. Education is the process of preparing people to fit into this complete social structure and to play particular social members as members of more than one institutional group. Individuals have to learn to be father or mothers, school teachers or civil servants, shop keepers or priests.
Children need sound conditions for their upbringing. Only autonomous people can participate in choosing a vision of the good life. Continuity of parental and societal care is necessary for the development of Children's autonomy. Because children are human beings, they deserve developmental conditions that give them a chance to develop the capabilities that let them define and choose a vision for the larger good. Society has to provide conditions that are conducive for the development of children. Society has to provide all the facilities with the help of which teachers will be able to teach the children without any discomfort and with lot of ease. society has to extend its full cooperation to the teachers and school. Society which chooses good teachers and which gives importance to the development of good educational system will derive maximum benefit out of it. Investment on education yields good returns to the society. Society which neglects the school and teachers is going to be the worst society.
States like Kerala focused on education very much and it is getting maximum benefit unlike other states in India. Lead persons like Sudha Murthyji with the her Infosys Foundation, Azim Premji with his Wipro, Bill Gates of Microsoft are spending extensively in the field of education with the view to transform the society into a better one. There are individuals who are rendering their selfless services through their non-organizational. Non-remunerative, non-commercial and non-political initiatives with a similar vision. Gyan Vigyan Sarita is the one such an initiative which is mentoring our students since last Four years through Interactive Online Mentoring Sessions (IOMS). It is with the view of giving something back to the society as a Personal Social Responsibility (PSR).
Involving the society and its lead persons in the development of schools Andhra Pradesh government started a novel a novel programme called Janmabhoomi. This programme involved citizens in the development of schools and various other activities. It was derived from inspiration of South Korea. The people who got benefit from the schools are coming forward to contribute something to the schools and the societies in which they were brought up. Lot of transformation can be seen in all parts of India in this regard. Qualitative development can be seen in the schools where the lead people and the society participated actively in the developmental activities of school.
areas, elderly people and lead people in the society are encouraging
the children to go to school so that hundred percent literacy can be
attained in that area. In some other areas, they are establishing
libraries, providing play grounds, computer labs and providing other
facilities which are motivating the children to go up in life. Some
people are offering scholarships, free coaching to the students. In
some areas where there are either teachers or they are less in number.
The lead persons are teaching voluntarily without taking even a penny.
Selfless services of such people deserve rich appreciation.
In spite of having many problems, our society is progressing forward by the virtue of selfless services of such people. Carrying forward the inspiration of Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna Mission Vijayawada, apart from its spiritual and social welfare activities, is trying to create a platform where society and lead persons can contribute to development of our nation through education at its Ramakrishna Mission School.