
Anupra Dubey

Buddhism is a very peaceful religion. Siddhartha who became Gautama after gaining knowledge founded Buddhism. Siddhartha was a prince. When he was born, the future teller told his father and mother, the King and the Queen, that either he will become a great ruler or he will leave everything and become a monk.

The king was sad to hear the future of his son. He arranged his palace so that Siddhartha couldn’t go out. But one day, Siddhartha went out of the palace. He saw a child, an old man and a sick man. He became worried. He went for meditation to get answers to his all questions.

Buddha literally means an enlightened one, i.e., a knower.

The people practicing Buddhism are totally vegetarian. Buddhism teaches wisdom, kindness, patience, generosity and compassion. In Buddhism, people do meditation for the sake of a peaceful life. There are more than 500 million Buddhists in the world. All living beings are treated in Buddhism equal. Mahayana is the most practiced branch of Buddhism, and it's most common in China.


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