Multiplication of 2 Digit Numbers  by Vertically & Crosswise Formula

H.D. Motiramani

This is a special method of multiplying two digit numbers easily using the Vedic Formula – Vertically & Crosswise. We can best understand this by way of examples.

Example 1:             24 X 41

2               4

4               1


8         (2*1 +4*4)        4*1            =            8 (18) (4*1)

1)      left digits of both numbers 2*4 = 8

2)      middle numbers in bracket are obtained by crosswise multiplication (2*1 + 4*4)

3)      rightmost digit is obtained by vertical multiplication of rightmost digits of both the multiplicands in this example 4*1

We have to remember here that the figure in bracket has to be in one digit, therefore 1 from the middle bracket is carried to left to add in 8 which becomes 8+1=9

Therefore the answer for 24 X 41 =  9 8 4 = 984


Example 2: 36 X 65

3          6

6          5


18   (15 + 36)          (6*5)    =   18 (51) (30) = 18 (51+3) 0  = (18+5) 4 0 = 2340

 So 36 X 65 = 2340


Example 3:  59 X 32

5         9

3         2


15 (10+27)   (9*2)               = 15  (37)  (18)  = 15 (37+1) 8 = (15+3)  8   8 = 1888

So 59 X 32 = 1888


Example 4: Using proportionately & Vertically & Crosswise

184 X 39  Here we split 184 as 2 into 92. We will multiply 92 and 2*39 that is 78

So the problem trickles down to multiplication of  92*78

9          2

7          8


63   (14+72)   (2*8)            = 63 (86) (16) = 63 (86+1) 6 = (63+8) 7  6 =7176

184 X 39 = 7176


Example 5: 78 X 208 = 78 X 52 X 4 We take up 78*52 and multiply by 4 in the end.


7          8

5          2


35 (14+40)   (8*2)          =        35 + (55) 6 = 4056

This 4056 answer now needs to be multiplied by 4

= 78 X 52 X 4 = 4056 X 4 = 16224    So 78 X 208 = 16224



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