Meditation vis-à-vis Learning

Meditation has been a means of evolving reason to observations, also called solution to the problems, experienced in Vedic era. Rishis (ऋषि), Maharishs ( महर्षि ) and Bramharshis (ब्रम्हर्षि ) were basically thinkers who dedicated their life to evolve various theories in different disciplines of knowledge. Then, they had no means of physical experimentation and verification. All that they could do was to visualize nature and its processes in human body and observable surroundings. This was based on belief that human mind and body are products of nature and are capable of resonating to the dynamics of nature.

I am neither a Yogi nor having any accomplishments in the field of physiology, psychiatry nor psychology. I have been a student of engineering, where the understanding mathematics and physics is considered to be complementary to each other. It is pertinent to state that evolution of mathematics and physics is not independent of nature. These subjects evolved and are progressively evolving to understand the nature, its evolution and origin. In the final run efforts is to use knowledge so gained for welfare of the human life.  This welfare cannot become sustainable unless we are able to establish ecological balance. Accordingly, an effort is being made to understand mutual relevance of learning and meditation which has brought us to the present state of knowledge.

Mind operates in two states; they are conscious state and subconscious state. Sub-consciousness remains ever active in a living person. Every thought has its origin in an experience or observation. Happenings in the past keep on triggering subconscious mind. It becomes prominent when conscious mind becomes dormant.

Thus,  subconscious thoughts keep occurring similar to Brownian motion of electrons, atoms and molecules in matter. Though a matter may remain normally in a state of rest Brownian motion is a reality.  In Yogic methods meditation (ध्यान) is pursued in stages. First of it is Asan ( आसन ) i.e. postures and is considered essential in pursuit of meditation. It is a state of physical recluse. Second step is Pranayam ( प्राणायाम ) i.e. control of breath. Breadth is the first parameter that is affected by any action or thought. Third step is Dhyan ( ध्यान ) to concentrate on breath-in and breath-out. Continuation of Dhyan leads one into a state of mental recluse; it is also called a state of thoughtlessness. It is very difficult to reach to this stage. But, based on personal experience it is vouched that mental reclusiveness can be achieved.

Until the state of Dhyan is achieved, stray thoughts remain turbulent enough to distract the mind. Thus, focused thinking is retarded. Such turbulence, as per fluid mechanics is worth wastage of energy. Therefore, turbulent thoughts are undesirable to mind which desires to be focused. But, having achieved a state of Dhyan it is possible to streamline thoughts. It is desirable. It is like streamline flow of fluid where maximum transfer of energy takes place. The state of mind where thoughts are streamlined is called Chintan (चिंतन). Chintan and meditation are synonymous.

It is state of meditation or Chintan that leads to visualization of problem in its various dimensions. It is a pre-requisite to discover explanations to observations and experiences or evolve solution of problems. In this context an effort is made to understand the process of learning; it is the core of education.

Learning leading to Intelligence and Wisdom has been discussed separately.  Learning starts with observations. These observations trigger correlation of observations. This correlation obviously engages mind to compare beneficial and harmful observations. Human mind is highly subjective and innovative. This subjectivity and innovative attributes of mind rolls on thinking of ways and means of optimization of gains i.e. maximization of benefits and minimization of harms. This is the state of evolution of alternatives. As a result of this mental rejigging, a person is able to make a choice of one of the option. An intelligent person is good at making a quick choice most beneficial for self and quick return. Whereas, a wise person may take a little longer in exercising the choice. But, the choice of a wise person is invariably for the larger good, and for coexistence with people and nature. Education is all about imparting ability to make wise choices and skill to implement them. Academics is the roadmap to achieve this objective in formalized education systems.

Learning in ancient India was focused during Bramhacharya (ब्रम्हचर्य) stage of life as discussed separately in Human History: An Introspection. This stage is above the age of infancy and before the start of earning livelihood. The latter in common parlance is called worldly life. In this stage mind is full of curiosities and is with minimum distraction. Nevertheless, in Gurukul (गुरुकुल), the centers of learning, Guru (गुरु), whom we call teacher, used to start imparting education with meditation. The idea was to make thoughts in the mind streamlined and cognitive. It is prerequisite for effective learning. 

We all elites have gone through student hood during our pursuit of knowledge. With growth of information and academic institutions various model of education have emerged. Each model is competing with the other. Many of elites might have pursued education while in profession. In this context contributions of Open Schooling system, to support earn and learn, is significant. It is also said that “there is no age to learn”. It is very easily said than done; this is stated based on feel of the pinch of wearing the shoe during pursuit of Masters in Engineering after sixteen years of engineering degree, and Ph.D, after nineteen years of master’s degree.

In certain terms it is said that a cool and undistracted mind is more efficient in learning. This state of mind reaches due to either of passion, inspiration, or motivation. Many scholars had different ways of focusing mind. A few of the relevant examples are cited here. It is with with due cognizance to exemplary focus of Arjun and determination of Eklavya in ancient scripture Mahabharat,

Socrates created thrill at learning by method of contradiction. Contradiction to every proposition poses a challenge to thinkers. This challenge rolls the thought process to the roots of the proposition so as to explore truth. Result is either of validation of the proposition, or denial of the proposition or evolving a new proposition. Any of these is an addendum to the learning.

Karl Marx in his theory of evolution of thoughts propounded a cyclic growth of Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis. This subjects every thought or proposition in crucible of contradiction by subjecting it to antithesis. In real world nothing is eternal. All that we see and believe is circumstantial. Since, circumstances are dynamic and hence there is always a better proposition. This is the basis of evolution of thought.

Albert Einstein is known for his landmark - Theory of Relativity. He, like ancient Yogis, subjected every observation to the limits where primary assumptions, or boundaries are breached. He being a theoretical physicist, unlike other scientist did not indulge in experimental verification. But, he used his analytical ability to visualize the phenomenon beyond the perceivable boundary. Thus, the theory of relativity, when speed of light is approached, is valid even in domain of Newtonian Mechanics. Approach of Einstein has been known as thought experiment. This is similar to meditation.

Interactive Online Mentoring Sessions (IOMS), a selfless initiative of Gyan Vigyan Sarita,. In this initiative students, from families deprived of opportunities of education in mainstream, are encouraged to learn Mathematics-Science from class 9th upto 12th. A child who associates in IOMS sincerely, regularly and interactively for four years reaches a level where he can choose a niche based on his strengths.

During this period, in IOMS, students are mentored by correlating understanding of subject matter to their surroundings. This understanding helps students to believe that the subject matter is as much for them as environment. This sets in a thought process in students wherein students start correlating their learning with their observation in the surroundings. It becomes a thoroughly mental process. Thus, students, participating in IOMS, starts assimilating subject matter so much so that it becomes intuitive. Higher is the involvement of student in IOMS greater is the intuitiveness. Such a learning is as natural as breathing and other physiological activities which occur in every living person without being conscious of it.

It is seen that meditation and learning are closely coupled to each other, and don’t become either discrete or independent of each other despite any effort to deny their mutual relevance.

Conclusions: Education is panacea of all socio-political evils.  Therefore, emphasizing on education that leads to wisdom has to be primary aim of all accomplished persons. Learning efficiency increases with concentration. Meditation is a means develop and reinforce concentration.


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