Introducing Multidimensionality

Saleel Tambe is a young Engineer-cum-Musician-cum-Nature & Wildlife Photographer-cum-Writer, in IT profession. He has settled in U.K. He  graduated in Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering from Jabalpur Engineering College (JEC), Jabalpur in 1993. He is proactively pursing his passion. Eventually, it integrates Science-Technology-Engineering-Art-Mathematics (STEAM); it is the prevalent educational philosophy. Despite his accomplishments in commercial sphere, he has chosen to associate in selfless educational initiative of Gyan Vigyan Sarita, which focuses on grooming competence to compete among students deprived of adequate educational opportunities. He has considered to complement the endeavor within his professional commitments. It is another dimension of his passion. As a first step, his contribution is through a video to convey the scope of multidimesional skills to make the best of the life, Gift of God.

His profile is as under-

Profile of Saleel Tambe



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