A Work of Art - Tranquilizes Our Minds

Dishita Joshi 

It is absolutely true that imaginative realms and creative endeavours have the potential to not only bind the humans together by transcending the boundaries but also to attain serenity in troubling times such as these. Art plays such an important role in our lives but we often ignore it. In today's world, art is in every corner. We just need the eyes to appreciate it. It is such a beautiful, inspiring and relaxing activity. 

Dishita Image

Studies also show that creating art stimulates the release of dopamine. This chemical is released when we do something pleasurable, and it basically makes us feel happier. Increased levels of this feel-good factor can be very helpful if you are battling anxiety.

It truly relaxes and calms one's mind. There are so many benefits of art that it is undeniable and really infectious as well. It really gives you a space to be creative and be the inner you.

Art is not only relaxing for your mind but it also has great effects on your overall health. It is a great way for self-discovery. It helps you know yourself better by helping you recognize your feelings that have been lurking in your subconscious. It is also a very good way of relieving stress. Many a times, the stress one goes through or anger cannot be expressed in words and in such a situation this activity really serves as a saviour.

Also, a very important point, by which many people get intimidated, is that you don't need to be a professional artist to sketch/paint. You just need to not be afraid of anyone, try new things and unleash your inner artist and I strongly believe it will be very useful. 



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