Duty & Responsibility
Duty and responsibility is about role one plays at some task, situation or crisis. Then obvious question is that - how are the two different? An effort has been made to differentiate qualitative difference between the two.
Duty is primarily assigned; it is by virtue of position which one accepts. Thus, incumbency is the primary genesis of duty of a person appointed, elected or elevated to a position. An incumbent to be there has to apply for the position in case of appointment. In case of election, a prospective incumbent has to file his or her nomination. Both the application and nomination are required to be supported with suitability of one’s own candidature based on qualification, credential and commitment to the job that may come upon by way of incumbency. Every incumbent is compensated for the duties that one discharges. This compensation is in the form of defined salary and/or perks. There are motivations in discharge of duty; these are in terms of periodical raise in salary and perks, promotion associated with increase in powers, sphere and scope of duty.
Responsibility on the contrary is assumed, unlike duty. This creates a qualitative difference in action, thought process and personality in the role of duty and responsibility. Genesis of responsibility is in an inspiration which comes from within; it is intrinsic in nature, whereas duty by virtue of being assignment is extrinsic in nature. Responsibility is not discharged, it happens, it flows continuously, it cannot be contained. But, duty is discharged, it is defined within a boundary, called jurisdiction.
Inspiration creates selflessness in involvement and the best example of discharge of responsibility is the motherhood. Becoming mother is a biological process. But, motherhood is a matter of inspiration. A woman undergoes a natural transformation the moment she enters into motherhood. She, while remaining a lady becomes a mother too. It is observed that a mother while caring for her own child becomes restless to see any child in trouble, crisis or need. This outreach of a person is her motherhood which is eternal, spiritual, serene and totally selfless and is called Vatsalya (वात्सल्य). Volumes have been written on the grace of mother, either exclusively or inseparable part of spiritual, religious or social literature.
Vatsalya is not an expression or manifestation, it is intrinsic. Vatsalya is about performing with responsibility without expectation; it is independent of gender. In Maharashtra, a Guru or God are also called Mauali (माउली), Mother. This word adds a great significance to the relationship. The reason behind addressing a person as Mauali is not expectation by a student from a Guru, a devotee from deity or a person being worshiped.
Guru is generally used as synonym of teacher. Instead, Guru it is the highest form of a teacher who while imparting knowledge and skill leads his students on to the path of wisdom. Honour of Mauli does not come automatically; it is earned by caring for disciples selflessly, leading them on the path of self-dependence, and growth with wisdom.
In contemporary world, teacher’s role into students' learning and growing into economic independence has distanced children from mother. The latter is the most Natural Teacher, and Guru. In effect, children are driven to schools, institutions, tuitions and coaching centers. The kind of affordability of parents of students, within their purse or outside it, has induced a commercial race in teaching-learning. This scenario has diffused responsibility of imparting wisdom to students into simple duty of completion of course and demonstration of tangible results in terms of marks, ranks, placements, packages. All these material parameters on one side are creating an unhealthy competition among students, and on the other side a race among teachers for higher compensation. The spiritual and selfless passion and commitment of teachers arising out of inspiration to serve the society and the God through students is getting devalued.
In discharge of any duty there is something right or wrong, and accordingly it may attract a reward or punishment. Whereas, in performance of responsibility with passion and commitment nothing is wrong. At times, one may fall short of expectations, which serves as feedback to the performer of responsibility to navigate efforts in future. Thus, in performance of responsibility experience and introspection are the only teacher. Thus, in responsibility welfare is extrinsic while in duty it intrinsic. At the same time in responsibility inspiration is implicit while in duty motivation is explicit.
Undertaking a role with the sense the responsibility is highly superior to discharging the assigned role with duty. Performing responsibility is true manifestation of Karm Yog (कर्म-योग ). Neglect in duty in any role, other than teacher, is callous. Consequences of such neglect in duty is either temporal in nature or could cost loos of life, property or opportunity to some. There are cases of collapse of structures and buildings caused by bad design or construction. Death of a patient due to negligence of medical practitioners or fake medicines are not uncommon. Wastage of relief material or interruption or malpractices in supply line of relief material during catastrophic situations are also reported. Deaths due to illicit and adulterated edible food/drinks occur due to neglect in surveillance and regulatory systems are criminal in nature But, neglect of duty by a teacher has far reaching consequences, it destroys generations either in formation or yet to be born.
Conclusion: Discrimination among people is neither by their belonging nor their sphere of influence. It is with individual’s thought process and their sense of responsibility.
Teaching is not a matter of duty. It is a matter of responsibility, born in an inspiration. It is a passion, pursuance, patience and perseverance (4Ps) to mould students into a right thought process of a person who is able to think wisely in different situations and act for the larger good and above self. Such a teacher is incarnation of Guru and deserves to be addressed as Mauli.
Duty of every person and role has a boundary. But, the responsibility of Mother and Teacher has no boundary. It is beyond oblivion, the invisible. Those are the successful ones who can perform their duty with responsibility.
Oh! God you have been kind to me to grant everything that I needed for a peaceful family and contended life. I pray you to infuse in me an inspiration to be a true Teacher with the sense of Personal Social Responsibility (PSR), a Guru. Give me strength to discharge the responsibility unto the last breath.