My Recipe
Anupra Dubey
I am writing here about the preparation of two dishes. The name of First dish is Peanut Mix and the name of the Second dish is Canopies.
The ingredient for the Peanut Mix
(1) Peanut
(2) Finely chopped Onion
(3) Finely chopped Green Chilies
(4) Finely chopped Coriander Leaves
(5) Salt, Lemon as per taste
(6) Pepper
First take a big bowl. Add one cup Peanut, one medium size finely chopped Onion, and few Coriander Leaves. Now mix them. Add Salt and Pepper as per your taste. Squeeze a Lemon as per your taste. Again mix it. Peanut Mix is ready to eat. Now serve the tasty Peanut Mix.
The ingredients for Canopies
(1) Cheese
(2) Cracker Type Biscuits
(3) Cucumber
(4) Chat Masala
(5) Ketcup
Place slice of Cheese on Cracker Type Biscuits. Now, place chopped Cucumber on top of Cheese. Add Chat Masala and finally Ketchup for Topping. The tasty Canopies are ready to serve.