Consortium of Entities PSR Inspired (CEPI)

Dear All,

(To whom it may concern)


A thought of a Consortium of individuals, NGOs, Societies and Corporates which consider that they have a role in transforming society through education and have selfless passion to contribute in this direction with Personal Social Responsibility (PSR) has been bubbling in me.


New Year comes with a new hope and in light of this a draft proposition which was initially floated on October 02, has been moderated, and is attached for kind consideration.


Highlights of the draft are as under -

1.      It offers an open platform for Caring-N-Sharing of co-passionate persons, who continue to work autonomously, yet available to complement efforts wherever possible.

2.      We can issue a communique on January 01, 2020, with a new hope in the new year.

3.      A younger person takes up role to steer the consortium, while we are available to complement efforts.

4.      We offer the monthly Web-Bulletin of Gyan Vigyan Sarita for the initial communiques of the Consortium. Once we get organized, or even before, and anyone who can maintain regular communique is welcome to takeover the batten. 

5.      Name and Logo are conceptually notional, to start with. We can always change and/or modify it after consultation with the participants in the consortium. Final logo we can get prepared from anyone who can put in efforts with graphic-design skill

6.      I suggest each one of us, who subscribes to the proposition, please draft a page on their operations and vision. Alongwith this inclusion of some pics of the initiative and some creative contributions of our your target students would become more conveying.

7.      Inputs at (6), in MS Word format, may please be sent by December 15,2020 to be able to present it appropriately and release  the Web-bulletin on schedule

May kindly consider and feel free to call and suggest to make it more purposeful. A submission in this regard is that - Time is short and inertia is high


(Above is extract of mail dt. December 01,2020, sent to those who are connected to us in this initiative directly or indirectly)



Draft Proposition


Consortium of Entities PSR Inspired (CEPI)

(This document is a seed of a thought process. It is to grow and shape based on experiences of selflessly inspired like-minded persons, willing to work with PSR, for the larger good)

[Logo with this draft document is for consideration ands finalization]

Outline of proposition: Consortium of People, Groups and Organizations inspired with Personal Social Responsibility (PSR)


1.       Health, environment and socio-economic concerns are closely intertwined and educations is the common thread binding them together.

2.       There are many names of fame in the field of Social Welfare.

3.       Despite, gap in needs and support does not appear to be bridging.

4.       Every inspired person has his own strengths, capabilities, constraints, experiences and vision

5.       There is always offset in potential of each inspired person.

6.       There are people who constitute an organization

7.       Need of social welfare is so huge that none, howsoever omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent may be, can fulfill it singularly.

8.       For doing good there is no competition, but there is always a need to know how best to complement efforts of his counterparts.

9.       Every such initiative has its own financial model ranging from personal charity, sponsored, NGO, CSR funded to Zero-Fund-&-Zero-Asset (ZFZA).

Mission: Create a platform of caring and sharing among entities inspired with PSR and powered with self-conviction that one is not alone in this journey; we need to explore likeminded counterparts.


1.       Every selflessly inspired person is above the fear of extinction,

2.       There humongous scope for all big or small to work.

3.       Every challenge brings with it opportunities to look upon.

Mode of Operation

1.       Encouraging likeminded entities to know each other, their views, experiences, accomplishments and constraints.

2.       Create time-to-time dissemination on their activities,

3.       Each entity maintains autonomous status with a freedom to collaborate based on self-induced and mutual consensus.

4.       Entities care and share among themselves avenues of collective-complementing of efforts.

5.       The consortium maintains non-organizational, non-remunerative, non-commercial and non-political status.

It is beginning of an unending journey…..


     We Start To Complement Efforts With -

1.     जन-सरोकारों की एक ‘सार्थक’ यात्रा

2.     Happy4u

3.     Porsa Village - On path of Progress…

4.     Gyan Vigyan Sarita

     And We Look Forward...
