Our Approach
- We believe that proficiency in mathematics and physics upto 12th level is essential for every individual and irrespective of gender and constraints of choosing a career. It would help to remove phobia for the subjects, open vision to logic
al and cause-N-effect perspective and attract wider career options.
- Proficiency at this helps a together with language, person to become logical, scientific and communicable in any field be it skill, social science, law or any other professional career.
- Group learning and problem solving, without discrimination. It helps to develop caring and sharing across each other both in learning and otherwise, a pre-requisite for a good team player, a necessity in times to follow.
- Correlate subject matter to contextual environment of students and help them to evolve p
roblem solving skill rather than providing solution. In the process classroom, with whatever meager setup it has is converted into a laboratory. Each class has unique learning issues and no thumb-rule can be laid down. Responding to quarries and inquisitiveness of students is best achieved in chalk-n-talk environment. But reality of scarcity of teachers, spread of students across the country can not be met either in conventional classroom environment or pre-recorded videos. Interactive Online Mentoring Session (IOMS) with a local subject-coordinator is the solution to gigantic compulsions and needs of education. This IOMS can be best met with a social structure, where pro-action with a sense of PSR is held in high esteem.
- Base for pursuing the journey is completed upto 8th level . We mentor students at level 9th and 10th and carry them forward upto preparations of 12th + professional courses. Thus groom competence to compete with emphasis upon unprivileged children.
- Our present competence domain is engineering and it would be broadened based on availability of mentoring resources.
- We believe not in providing solution, rather in helping students to evolve solutions. This is a thought process, which is groomed through a continuous drill and encouraging students to think beyond and pose problems without confining them to specific set of books.
- Students are exposed to facilities like National Science Museum, Pragati Maidan to help them envision scope and potential of knowledge to transform lives of individuals, and society at large.
Our Operational Model
- Non-remunerative, non-commercial and non-political: This approach to pursue passion in this initiative is a strategic decision. This is based on the prevalent environment and experience of interaction with NGOs and Corporate Houses engaged in philanthropy through their CSR Programme. It is seen that despite multiple operator and a huge sum that goes into the
educational and welfare activities, there is a severe trust deficit. Moreover, this initiative which is primarily a spirit, and not an organization, pursued by persons sharing passion of imparting knowledge and excellence, keeping away from personal gains, commerce and politics, is a considered choice.
- Zero-Fund-& Zero-Asset (ZFZA): This model of financial operation has been practiced for last four years. It stipulates that this initiative does neither own assets nor funds. Promoters, be it an individual, social group or corporate, who is convinced with the genuineness of the initiative may like to support infrastructure, it’s up-keeping and operational costs either by way of direct payment to the vendor or reimburse the expenses to the Learning Centers, . GYAN VIGYAN SARITA shall coordinate use of the facility so long as mutual trust between promoter and the user continues or the user finds himself to be unable to continue the use. In the event of breach of either of the two ownership of the promoter shall prevail, he shall withdraw right of use of funds and assets by the Learning Center. In such a situation GYAN-VIGYAN SARITA shall facilitate return of the belongings to the
respective promoters
Nevertheless, while engaging in this initiative and operational model we deploy our passion with a sens
e of commitment, continuity and perseverance. And, definitely not with a luxury of convenience. We manage our activities with a result orientation like that in corporate world. We ensure that level of commitment is like that of an entrepreneur, who is neither a pessimist nor a person who would easily consign his failures to destiny. It demands involvement in mentoring like a passionate teacher, who would sleep over the subject matter which remains undigested by his students. And ultimately desperation to make things work has to be like a student, एकलव्य who would achieve his aim, come what may. But definitely not like कर्ण who find an alternative, but lives with a vengeance for denial. We do not believe in complacence that what more could we do? And in this pursuit PSR is our best motivator
Our Story
Premise: If imperfections are eradicated, elite and managers would be left jobless. Therefore, elite should feel not only responsive but obliged to the prevalent system where they are offered a role to play to correct imperfections. Perfection is like a mirage which keeps demanding more, as it is approached. Such oncoming demands shall be more orderly and competitive and would require everyone to be worth what they may aspire, belong, claims, demands or expects (a, b, c, d and e) in life.
This initiative has its birth at SARTHAK PRAYASH, an NGO engaged in philanthropy. It offered Dr Subhash Kumar Joshi, Coordinator of this initiative an opportunity, in May’2012, to mentor unprivileged children of class 9-10th, Necessary facilities were created for it.
During two years of working, with NGO he conceptualized a Concept Paper, which attracted people across in formation of a Trust SUBODH FOUNDATION of which he was unanimously nominated as Founder-Chairman. He continued the philosophy with which he democratically conceived organization. Impressions of the philosophy, vision, and approach can be seen in this initiative. Despite one year of successful operations during which Chalk-N-Talk mentoring was upgraded to Online Mentoring having Five Learning Centres and publishing monthly e-Bulletin attracting wide-spectrum articles from diverse contributors. In each Bulletin, first article ‘From The Desk of Chairman’ and editorial ‘From Editor’s Pen’ contains perspective of the initiative which, in prevalent context, is considered prudent for dissemination. Finally, he made an exit from the Foundation on 2nd Sept’16, in the backdrop of some organizational issues.
The cause and passion had developed irresistible potential, and thus came into existence compassionate group of dedicated persons in the name of Gyan-Vigyan Sarita in the form of a spirit driven with a sense of Personal Social Responsibility (PSR) to take up the cause of Democratization of Education in a non-remunerative, non-commercial and non-political manner.
Meet the Team
It is set of co-passionate persons pursuing this mission comprises of a) Prof. SB Dhar, an eminent professor, mentor and connoisseur of mathematics and competitive examinations, b)
Shri Shailendra Parolkar, an IIT Kharagpur Alumnus and a successful IT professional at Texas, US, and a mentor of Mathematics and Physics for IIT JEE, c)
Mrs. Kumud Bala an experience teacher and retired principal of Govt. Higher Secondary School, and d)
Dr Subhash Joshi, a passionate coordinator-cum-mentor , and all them are individually Mentoring Center in the Online Initiative
These efforts are backed Chalk-N-Talk mentoring by Dr. Ramesh Chandra, an experienced teacher of Mathematics,
Shri S.N. Khanna, a retired professional from pharmaceutical company, a mentor of English Usage and social Ethics, and Smt. Shalini Mathur, a Mentor of English. We have a mentoring philosophy.
In addition to the above set of
senior citizens a set of
young professional has also opted to use their time, out of surviving into a tough competitive environment, to
complement the initiative. It consists of a)
Shri Rakesh Tiwari , a young dedicated teacher of mathematics and b)
Ms Devika Mathur , a professional graphic designer
Our Affiliations
Organization #1: Tiwari Academy
They have opened their Online repository of knowledge to the students registered with Gyan-Vigyan Sarita with a special attention.
It is engaged in providing free web support in education. A new paradigm in distance education where students, without any access rider on its web-resource, can receive educational guidance. It is a student centric educational web portal which provides quality test papers and study materials for the students preparing for CBSE or targeting various entrance exams. During past few years, a number of surveys on students were made to better understanding their problems regarding their studies and their basic requirement. This website is basically a conclusive solution of the surveys. Test and study materials are interactive and dynamically managed to cater to the needs of students.
Free NCERT Solutions for the class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 for the subjects Maths, Science, Hindi, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Social Science (History, Geography, Civics and Economics). NCERT Exemplar Problems Solutions for class 9th and 10th maths & science and for class 11th and 12th Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology. Likewise, Model Paper, Sample Papers for CBSE examinations, papers for previous years, practice questions, assignments and solutions are available and can be downloaded. Recently, provision has been created for students to upload Holiday Homework and get guidance for solutions and new ideas. The initiative is aimed at providing educational guidance with passion, dedication and commitment to students spread across at inaccessible locations, and to those unprivileged ones who cannot otherwise afford necessary guidance..
Organization #2: Krittikal Mathematics
It is an experienced resource in mentoring mathematics for competitive examinations, and is freely available to students registered with Gyan Vigyan Sarita. It is a competition-math learning school for all. This is a place where the learners enrich their knowledge of math for various applications.
The competition starts at home and the competitive attitude ends in excellent wisdom. If one cannot dare to compete with others, survival for a long becomes difficult.
Krittikal Mathematics covers syllabi of all UG-courses’ admission tests including JEE Main, conducted by CBSE; JEE Advanced, conducted by IIT; all state JEEs, conducted by their corresponding states and all Indian Engineering colleges/ Technical Universities that conduct their own entrance tests for admissions to various undergraduate disciplines.
Krittikal Mathematics helps in mounting the learners’ understanding with their mentors’ awareness to face the challenging problems of the examinations.
Krittikal Mathematics is organised by IIT & MNNIT alumni. The instructional strategy for making the concepts understandable is the result of more than four decades experience of class room teaching and simultaneous reading of learner's mind.
Organization #3: Pooja Samiti, Magagun Moderne, Sec 78, NOIDA
It is an association of residents of Mahagun Moderne residential complex and is engaged in social, cultural and religious activities. It has complemented initiative with a small set of computer accessories for Online Mentoring on ZFZA basis, it gas also assured financial support to unprivileged in purchase of books, school uniform and fees, and health care so that furtherance of studies potential students does not suffer due to their financial constraints.
Organization #4: Sarthak Prayash , Vasundhara, Ghaziabad
It is an NGO engaged in supporting education social welfare including education.
It has opened a Learning Center on ZFZA basis for Online Mentoring at its library situated at Sector 3, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad. This NGO had offered a platform under its SAMARTH programme to mentor underprovileged and deprived children in Chanl-N-Talk mode in May'2012. This beginning is foundation stone of Interactive Online Mentoring Sessions (IOMS) a flag-ship of Gan Vigyan Sarita. Later, through a letter dt 25th January,2018 they have offered its organizational support to this initiative.
Organization #5: Senior Citizens Welfare Association, Gaur Grandeur, NOIDA
This is an NGO engaged in welfare activities of Senior Citizens of residential society at Gaur Grandeur.
Their engagement for social cause is driven with their sense of Personal Social Responsibility (PSR). Prof. SB Dhar, Secretary of this NGO is one of the four members of the core group of Gyan Vigyan Sarita, Mentor of Mathematics and editor of its monthly e-Bulletin, Gyan Vigyan Sarita - Shiksha, which has completed its Four years with special Annual Issue on 2nd October’2019 The society through letter dt 11th Non'2017 has expressed thir intent to stand with us in hpurs of need.