Mathematics Section
Initiative of Gyan Vigyan Sarita, from a small set of persons driven with personal Social Responsibility, is to democratize education, where every child irrespective of constraints is able to acquire an academic excellence, which can change place him on a professional scale and change his profile. This is a continuous process, and this effort is a selfless beginning in this direction.
Academic excellence in Mathematics, Science and Language plays an immense role in changing thought process of every individual. Moreover, the constraints of selfless-&-voluntary expertise available with Gyan Vigyan Sarita, it has taken upon itself a task of developing Mentors’ Manual on Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, upto Intermediate level, which in prevalent system is Class XIIth .
Mathematics is mother of all sciences. Basics of mathematics is taught upto class Xth across all students. But, requirement of mathematics for learning Physics upto Class XIIth, be it PCM or PCB streams, is a bit higher. And for students aspiring to pursue their career in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Engineering goes much beyond.
Accordingly, Chapter G-02, in Common Section, covers Basic Mathematics, upto class Xth, while Chapter G-03, in Common Section, covers Foundation Mathematics required for learning Physics and Chemistry upto XIIth. All chapter, following these two, start with creating an appreciation of mathematics. Accordingly, they are sequenced in the order of correlation of each Chapter to pre-requisites of mathematical concepts of each chapter. In each chapter, simple examples have brought out to help in comprehension of the subject matter.
Once these chapters are completed, graded-&-structured exercises along with assorted exercises shall be developed for practicing by students and develop a competence to compete.
Organization of Chapters is as under –