A Non-organizational, Non-remunerative, Non-commercial and Non-political Initiative
To Mentor Unprivileged Children with a Sense of Personal Social Responsibility (PSR)
MonthlyWeb-Bulletin GyanVigyanSarita:शिक्षा  February 01, 2021  (65th Issue)


IOMS Graphical perspective

IT Infrastructure for IOMS

संपादकीय: कोविड महामारी खत्म करने हेतु टीका-विकास में जुटेभारतीय वैज्ञानिकों को नमन

Evolution of IOMS

Coordinators’ View: Economics of Self-Help- Societal Change?

An Appeal

Inspirers of the Month  

Regular Columns

Ø  अंदाज  ए  बयां :: हे मानस के राजहंस, तुम भूल न जाने आने को!! - समीर लालसमीर

Ø  Ayurveda – Health Care: Jatamansi (Nardostachys Jatamansi) Dr. Sangeeta Pahuja

Ø  आओ मिलकर सोचें : वक्ता का कहना है.... हम मौत से इतना डरते क्यों हैं? - मुकेश आनंद


Ø  गीता -एक संक्षिप्त परिचय (भाग 2) - प्रकाश काले 

Ø  संघर्ष ही जीवन है - विशाल सरीन 

Ø  Squaring Any Number Using Duplex Pyramid Method - H.D. Motiramani


Ø  आंखों में अश्क… - सुभाष चौरसिया  ‘बाबू

Ø  खुशी तितली जैसी है - उर्मिला द्विवेदी

Ø  मैं हिन्दी हूँ भावना मिश्रा 

Ø  गाँव संगीता पाहुजा 

Ø  The Lord- Aniruddha Kalley

Consortium of Entities PSR Inspired (CEPI)

Ø  Sarthak Prayash

Ø  Happy4u

Ø  Porsa Village

Ø  Gyan Vigyan Sarita

Students’ Section

(Integration of Art in Education)

Ø  Understanding of Concepts: Presentation by Students

·   Reflection From Spherical MirrorsNaga Divya

·   Travel of Light RayDurga Chauhan

Ø  Creativity of Students While Social Distancing

Ø  Performing Art

·         Video: Patriotic Song -  Uha Chandrika

Ø  Visual Art

·         My FaithUha Chandrika

·         Drawing - Nava Nayan

·         DrawingMannan

·         Drawing - Ishaan Shrivastava

·         Drawing - Aarushi Diwakar

·         Drawing - Maya

·         Drawing - Dishita Joshi

·         Drawing - Trisha Samal

·         Drawing - Krittika  Dwivedi

·         Drawing - Harshith Ram Kumar

Ø  Literary Art

·         Saraswati PujaAnupra Dubey

·         The Crow and The Fox - Natchya Tiwari

·         You'r The Greatest - Riddhima Sharma

·         Colour Therapy - Dishita Joshi

Growing With Concepts

Ø  Mathematics: Let us Do Some Problems Prof. SB Dhar

Ø  Physics: Question Bank- Capacitors (Set3)

Ø  Chemistry: Types of Organic Reactions Kumud Bala

Puzzle & Quiz

Ø  Cross Word Puzzle: Covid-19 Vaccines Names Prof. SB Dhar

Ø  Science Quiz: February-2021 Kumud Bala


·         Invitation for Contribution of Articles

·         Theme Song


Editor: Gyan Vigyan Sarita – शिक्षा: Dr SB Dhar

-Gyan Vigyan Sarita: Dr Subhash Joshi

Cover Page Graphics – Gyan Vigyan Sarita

Disclaimer:   Views expressed in this bulletin are author’s view and Gyan Vigyan Sarita – शिक्षा, Publishers of this bulletin, are not responsible for its correctness or validity

Rights of Publication: Core Committee of ज्ञान विज्ञान सरिता reserves right of moderation or publication of a content of this e-Bulletin

Address:  #2487, Betina, Mahagun Moderne, Sector-78, NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh, PIN: 201309,, (INDIA).        

Website: GyanVigyanSarita      Blog:: GyanVigyanSarita e-Mail ID:;

                         (M): +91-9711061199  (LL): 0120-4969970


Thrill is in the journey and not the destination. The only treasure at destination is sweet memories of adventure with passion, patience, pursuance and perseverance and last but not the least the inspiration to start a new journey.


Arabian Quote

He who knows,
and knows that he knows,
is Wise; Follow him.

He who knows not,
and knows not that he knows not,
is a fool; shun him.

He who knows not,
and knows that he knows not,
is a student; Teach him.

He who knows,
and knows not that he knows,
is asleep; Wake him.